Friday, July 19, 2013

How cool is this?  Well, not so cool if you are expecting it to drop down further and head your way, but last week while watching an ominous sky, I spotted this forming just behind the condo.  At first I was just curious to see what it did, but when it eventually became clear that is really was a funnel cloud in the making, I couldn't take my eyes off it.  I was calculating in which direction it would head so I could take cover if necessary.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We're heading into another heat wave, so what better way to cool off than by taking a dip in the water? Well...I'M not going in the water, but this pretty cool goose is. Lovely to look at as long as he's not making a mess all over the place! Pretty obvious why the expression "as loose as a goose".

I shot this at one of the local parks. The first time I was down there was at the end of winter before anyone else was there. It was perfect otherwise, cool, overcast, there was no one there but me. I was still taking photos for my B&W class. Of course, when I came back with my tripod and color cameras to set up some shots some time later, it was one of those rare early spring days with the promise of summer, and the place was over run! I did manage to get a few shots, but as usual I felt stupid standing there with my tripod, trying to act like I knew what I was doing, and all the while wishing I could hurry up and get the hell out of there or better yet, everyone else would leave to I could have the place to myself!

OK..I realize all these players present lots of photo opportunities, but you can't photograph anyone's children...they will think you are some kind of child molester! Most of the time, I find myself rather surreptitiously hiding behind my lens to photograph an interesting person or scene. I have been told it is easiest to do that with a tripod and a remote shutter release, the latter of which I am now the proud owner, so look out! I'll be looking out of the corner of my eye at YOU!
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Monday, June 25, 2007

So what was it that made me "slam on the brakes?" ..this rather ordinary-looking barn sitting alone at the crest of the hill. Initially I was just shooting the barn from the road, and then I heard in my head..shoot where you are comfortable and then move in closer. I saw the gaping windows and broken doors, the disrepair and neglect. When all was said and done, it was the bits and pieces that I liked best of all when I looked at my day's photos.

I wish I wasn't such a chicken. There are so many places where I like to get in closer to take my photos, but I can't bring myself to do it! This past March I was photographing my favorite old house and a car pulled over and stopped. Great, I thought. I'm going to be murdered. A really seedy-looking old guy got out and started talking to me. Turns out, it was his farm and we talked a bit about it. It IS the epitome of a run down farm. I didn't tell him what it was that drew me there other than I thought it was a great place to take photos.

When the trees are bare, this place is like a magnet for me. I rode by there recently, and unfortunately during the summer, the trees are too dense to see the place. Although I love summer, I will be back when the leaves fall to see how it has fared this summer. Take a closer look at this place! LOL

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I found a great barn today. It's been a while since I went on one of country driving tours, but I figured it was time so I headed out this morning. I don't usually go far from home. I had actually spotted some places I wanted to photograph a few days ago, but I didn't have my camera along.

As usually happens, the places I originally wanted to photograph weren't the places that actually caught my eye. As I headed home, I found an abandoned barn that I just HAD to photograph. I can't wait to go back there; it's close to home, and I don't ever recall seeing it before, but then on these little drives, I am LOOKING for things of interest. What I really need to do is walk or get out on my bicycle. There is so much to see around here. It is amazing!

I don't know what it is that attracts me to these scenes. I suppose it is because I know there is a story to be told. It's not a neat and pretty place. There's a bit of mystery and bit of fear lurking here. The house is gone...there's just this barn. I've never been one to follow the predictable.